A Safe Halloween is a Happy Halloween!
Halloween time is always a favorite! Many of us will dress up, hand out candy, or walk around with the little ones. Here are some tips to help keep your children or children you know, safe this Halloween!! Tricker Treet!!
- Make sure knives, swords, and other costume accessories are short, soft, and flexible.
- Eat ONLY factory-wrapped treats.
- Have the children only wear closed toe shoes to prevent injuries or tripping.
- Put reflective tape on costumes and bags to help drivers see you and the little ones.
- Carry a flashlight on you to see the children and everyone around you.
- Always test the makeup on a small area of your skin such as the back of the hand, before you put it elsewhere on your body.
- If possible walk only on sidewalks and keep the children on side walks at all times.
- Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Keep this in mind, and make sure the children have on flame-resistant costumes.
Safety Tips for this Halloween brought to you by QB Doc!
We want to help keep you all safe this weekend! Tricker Treet!!